This website helps worship leaders, worship teams, bands, pastors, churches, venues, and fans connect with each other. (See Mission for more about our larger group.)
What can I do here?
First, create a profile for yourself and/or worship team. Then, search the database for musicians, churches, worship teams, worship leaders or events near you. Also, be sure to check out the rest of the site, including Forums and Groups.
There is no one registered near me.
Now, what?
While the group has been around since 2009, this website was launched in December 2016. See this link in our Forum section (coming soon). While we already have members worldwide, there are still many communities where we need that first person to sign up. That first person is YOU. Trust us, others will soon follow your lead. Of course, you can encourage your friends to join too.
What is your doctrine?
Our group is multidenominational, and everyone who performs or enjoys worship music is invited to participate. Jesus was inclusive, not exclusive. Our group follows the same model. The Bible is our sole authority.
What’s a Worship Night event, and how does it work?
See this link in our Forum section (coming soon).
How did this website and group start, and who is behind this?
Our founder’s former dog was named Jake, and he used to order coffee and take out food with that name because it was easier. One day some musician friends said they thought “Jake” sounded like a cooler musician name than “Stewart,” so he agreed.